Winter Pie

It’s December! I absolutely love winter. I like seeing my breath create little clouds outside, and wearing hats, and the smell of crackling wood fires in crisp air, and drinking warm things whole wearing a onesie. And snow! Snow is simply magical. It seemed entirely appropriate to make an ode to snow pie for the first day of December, as it’s likely the most ‘snow’ I’ll see until we go to Colorado for the holidays.

Speaking of holidays – Happy Thanksgiving!! I know it was last week, but if still feels appropriate to give a little grateful shout to all you pie loving people out there. I hope your Thanksgiving was full of loud family, hungry friends, and of course, PIE.

Even before pie became such a huge part of my life Thanksgiving had a special place in my heart. I love that the entire basis of the holiday is to love your friends and family, eat as much food as you can, and for at least twenty-four hours remind yourself what you have in your life to be grateful for.When I began the pursuit of pie I could never have imagined how huge and special Thanksgiving was going to feel and every year the holiday that I hold so dear has been more and more astounding. Because of pie I have been able to be a part of hundreds and hundreds of  your holiday dinners and I feel so incredibly awed and grateful for the chance to to be a delicious part of your family’s traditions. So, here’s a big ole THANK YOU FROM THE TOP OF MY LUNGS to all of you who have allowed me to be a part of your holidays.

I’m including a couple of links below because I also think that due to everyone falling into a deep, deep turkey induced coma, all too often the ‘giving’ part of Thanksgiving gets brushed aside and there are plenty of worthwhile organizations that would benefit from a generous and giving spirit.

Stand with Standing Rock – and for some historical context watch Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

Planned Parenthood

American Civil Liberties Union

Happy Holidays friends in pie – and thank you again for letting me be a small part of your day of thanks and giving!!

Teeny Morris