Making Moves
Well, it certainly has been a long time since I’ve thrown words out into the great wide open. I would apologize but over the past two years it’s seemed much more important to throw copious amounts of pie into people’s faces. I wish I were the type of person who could single-handedly make three hundred plus pies in a week, sell said pies, and then have the wherewithal and wit to be able to blog about funny or clever things that happened along the way, but I’m decidedly not. I’m more of the make delicious pies, sell delicious pies, then fall asleep sitting up, whiskey in hand while attempting to make it through a full episode of Star Trek before bed kinda gal. I’m not ashamed. My pies are damn fine and my sleeping while sitting skills are unparalleled.
However, I’m jumping feet first back into the wild and wacky world of the internet because the times, they are a changin’.
First things first, Teeny Pies is no longer in D.C. It was a big decision for us, but we slowly came to terms with the fact that we didn’t see D.C. as our forever home. So we packed up our apartment, bid farewell to our friends, and over a shared bag of sunflower seeds, ladybird, Aaron and I moved to our temporary home in Kentucky.
Which brings us to the here and now, with six months of Kentucky living to accomplish two very large things.
ONE. Teeny Pies needs to get a little businessy. The first rather terrible draft of my business plan has been written. I’m new at this and needless to say I’m a much better baker than serious document maker. But since I’m a lady boss as well as a lady baker, I will get better. I’ve also made it my beeswax to find where they keep all the money, money, money. Whether it ends up coming from a bank, pie enthusiasts, or small business investors who love a good and flaky pastry that fits in the palm of their hand, I will find it, prove that I deserve it, and use it to open the best pie shop in all the land.
And speaking of land … that brings me to the second big thing that we have to accomplish in the next six months — finding a forever home. A place where Aaron and I can start living like the grown-ups that we are and *gasp* buy a house or something. A place where ladybird can run footloose and fancy free (she loves to feel the wind in her ears). A place where I can take the next huge step in my ladybakership life and one day open the doors to my very own pie shop.
A place that is either Cincinnati, Denver, or Pittsburgh.
This is me (and Aaron and ladybird) leaping once more into the unknown and taking you all along for the ride. All suggestions — if backed by scientific evidence — are welcome. In the meantime, I’ll be here in Kentucky brewing sweet tea and making pie … stop on by if you’re in the neighborhood.
Photo by Katie Parra